Active Collaborations

The laboratory has strong ties with a few external research groups, both national and international:

  • With Prof. Geltrude Mingrone from the Dept. of Clinical Medicine, Catholic University School of Medicine in Rome, we have been collaborating for many years on glucose/insulin regulation and on dicarbolylic and medium-chain fatty acid metabolism.
  • With the group of Prof. Franz Kappel (Dept. Of Mathematics, Karl-Franzen Universitaet Graz) and Dr. Kotanko (Barmherzigen Brueder Krankenhaus Graz) we study dynamical models of glucose control in Type 1 diabetes patients over long stretches of time (years), as well as collaborating in the organization of European Summer Schools in BioMathematics.
  • Together with Prof. Susanne Ditlevsen and Prof. Peter Dalgaard and colleagues from the Dept. of BioStatistics, University of Copenhagen, we are trying to use Stochastic Differential Equations models to represent intrinsic system noise in metabolic control systems.
  • With Prof. Yongwimon Lenbury (Dept. Of Mathematics, Mahidol University Bangkok) and her colleagues, a well as with Prof. D. Giang (Viet-Nam Academy of Sciences, Hanoi) we collaborate on the study of qualitative properties of delay differential models of the glucose-insulin system, as well as on other differential models of physiological processes.
  • With Prof. George Cremona of the Dept. of Pulmonary Medicine, San Raffaele University Hospital in Milan, we studied pulmonary vascular properties and airway exchange of NO, and are continuing investigations on inhaled drug longitudinal distribution.

Historical Collaborations

  • With the group of the late Prof. Ovide Arino and coworkers (Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Pau; and Institut de Rechérche pour le Devéloppement, Bondy, Paris, Faculte` des Sciences Semlalia, Marrakech) we have collaborated on the demonstration of qualitative properties of ODE and delay-differential models of the glucose/insulin system, as wells as on the organization of the Biomathematics Summer Schools.
  • With Prof. Edoardo Beretta and Prof. Fortunata Solimano, from the Dept. of Biomathematics of the University of Urbino, we did some work on glucose-insulin models, on the forecasting of landslide occurrences, on ecologic niche models, as well as participating in their didactic activity at the Istituto di Biomatematica of Urbino University.
  • With the group of Prof. Maurizio Severini (C.N.R. Istituto di Scienze dell'Atmosfera e del Clima, Roma) and Dr. Vincent Hull (Laboratorio Nazionale di Idrobiologia, Roma) we studied the alterations of embrio development under nonlethal toxicant exposure, such as U.V. radiation.
  • With the group of Dr. Andrea Morelli (Institute of Anesthesiology, University Rome 1 "La Sapienza") we participated in modeling physiological system failure and recovery under sepsis, particularly renal function.
  • With the group of Prof. Rafael Bravo de la Parra (Dept. Mathematics, Alcala) and Prof. Eva Sanchez (Escuela Tecnica Superior Ingenieros Industriales, Madrid), we have organized several European Biomathematics Summer Schools, now continuing under the auspices of the European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology.
  • With Prof. Paolo Fergola, from the Dept. of Mathematics, University of Naples Federico II, we have collaborated on deterministic and stochastic models of polluted chemostats.
  • With Prof. Misra, from the Dept. of Mathematics, Kharagpur Politechnic, we have published review work on general biomathematics and parameter estimation.